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Rx for West Virginia

Patient Assistance program that provides prescription medicines to qualified patients who do not have prescription drug coverage or who are underinsured in their existing private and/or government plan.

Services: Mail Order Pharmacies, Prescription Control Forms, Prescription Drug Discount Cards, Prescription Drugs for Specific Health Conditions, Prescription Medication Services

888 - 477-2669

Salvation Army

Provides emergency assistance with utility bills, rent, and many other needs.

Services: Clothing Vouchers, Emergency Shelter, Homeless Drop In Centers, Homelessness Advocacy Groups, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Homeless School Transition Programs, Homeless Shelter, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment, Prescription Drug Information Clearinghouses, Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs, Prescription Medication Monitoring Systems, Prescription Medication Packaging Services, Prescription Medication Services, Propane/Home Heating Oil Suppliers, Psychiatric Medication Monitoring, Psychiatric Medication Services, Rent Payment Assistance, Soup Kitchens, Transportation Organizations

21 North Spring Street

Buckhannon, WV 26201

304 - 472-6165

Scott Depot Christ Fellowship

Food pantry.

Services: Children's Clothing Donation Programs, Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Clothing Warehouses, Emergency Alert, Emergency Law Enforcement Support, Emergency Operations Centers, Emergency Protective Orders, Natural Gas Service Providers

4345 Teays Valley Road

Scott Depot, WV 25560

304 - 757-6148

Shenandoah Valley Medical System, Inc.

A federally qualified health center.

Services: Community Clinics, Dietary Supplements, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment, Mental Health Support Services, Outpatient Health Facilities, Prescription Expense Assistance, Prescription Medication Monitoring Systems, Psychiatric Medication Monitoring, Psychiatric Medication Services

99 Tavern Road

Martinsburg, WV 25401

304 - 263-4999

Sobrania, Inc.-Soup Opera

The Soup Opera serves food to anyone in need.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Children's Clothing Donation Programs, Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Clothing Vouchers, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Emergency Management Associations, Emergency Operations Centers, Emergency Telephones, Food Pantries, Homeless Courts, Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing, Homeless Safe Parking Programs

PO Box 10

Fairmont, WV 26554

304 - 367-1098

Social Security Administration

Please remember that Social Security offices remain closed to the public except in certain dire need situations; however, beneficiaries often need to mail in documents to their local Social Security office.

Services: Representative Payee Services, SSI Appeals/Complaints, SSI Applications

800 - 772-1213

Social Security Disability Resource Center

Informational website that provides answers to questions about how to apply for Social Security Disability, appeal a claim in the event of denial, navigate the federal system, and how to avoid common mistakes made by applicants.

Social Security Fraud Hotline

Takes reports of alleged fraud, waste, and abuse.

PO Box 17785

Baltimore, MD 21235

800 - 269-0281

Tax and Revenue Services

Free walk-in assistance is available with the preparation of Business Tax Returns and WV Personal Income Tax returns.

Services: Tax Audit Preparation Assistance, Tax Education Seminars, Tax Forms, Tax Fraud Reporting, Tax Information, Tax Organizations and Services

WV State Tax Dept, Taxpayer Services Division

PO Box 3784

Charleston, WV 25337

304 - 558-3333

Taxpayer Advocate Service

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS, led by the National Taxpayer Advocate.

Services: Tax Audit Preparation Assistance, Tax Education Seminars, Tax Forms, Tax Fraud Reporting, Tax Information, Tax Organizations and Services

425 JuliAna Street, Room 2019

Parkersburg, WV 26101

304 - 420-8695

Viewing 121-130 of 157 results (listed by best match)
