Mental Health

Viewing 351-360 of 377 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.


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West Virginia Health Right, Inc.

Provides various tests and medical services for a reduced cost or for free.

1520 Washington Street East

Charleston, WV 25311

304 - 414-5930

Appalachian Center for Vision Rehabilitation - AFB

The WVU Eye Institute provides the full range of eye care under one roof - from routine exams to subspecialty medical and surgical treatment and laser vision correction.

1 Medical Center Drive

Morgantown, WV 26506

304 - 598-4820

Neuperger, Pamela (DBA Hillcrest Manor)

A Legally Unlicensed Health Care Home is defined as any residence in WV that provides accommodations, personal assistance and supervision, whether for compensation or not, for a period of more than 24 hours, to one (1) to three (3) persons who are not related to the operator by blood or marriage within the degree of consanguinity of second cousin.

550 Hillcrest Drive

Kearneysville, WV 25430

304 - 725-0545

Sistersville Center

A nursing home offering both long-term care and skilled services.

201 Wood Street

Sistersville, WV 26175

304 - 652-1032

Sharon K. Govotsos, MSW, LGSW

I provide a safe environment that promotes healing for survivors of abuse and children struggling with life and emotional issues.

323 Aikens Center

Martinsburg, WV 25404

304 - 707-3945

West Virginia Family Support and Rehabilitation

Provides Case Management, Personal Attendant and Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy services through the TBI Waiver Program.

521 Market Street, #3

Parkersburg, WV 26101

304 - 424-3457

Rosenbaum Family House

Rosenbaum Family House provides a home away from home for patients and their families.

PO Box 8228

Morgantown, WV 26506

304 - 598-6094

Cornerstone Hospital of Huntington

Cornerstone Hospital of Huntington is a Long Term Acute Care Hospital located inside of St.

2900 First Avenue, Two East

Huntington, WV 25702

304 - 399-2600

Shenandoah's Women's Center

The Shenandoah Women's Center provides advocacy, counseling and support to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and incest survivors.

Services: Displaced Worker Employment Programs, Domestic Violence Motel Vouchers, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Employment Preparation, Employment Related Advocacy Groups, Homeless Courts, Homeless Diversion Programs, Homeless Drop In Centers, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Job Clubs, Job Coach Volunteer Opportunities, Job Finding Assistance, Job Information, Job Interview Protocol Development, Job Interview Training, Job Retraining, Job Search/Placement

236 W. Martin Street

Martinsburg, WV 25401

Paul Miller Home

Emergency Shelter - children only.

Services: Homeless Diversion Programs, Homelessness Advocacy Groups, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Homeless Shelter, Homeless Shelter Pickup Sites

PO Box 880

Northfork, WV 24868

304 - 862-4237

Viewing 351-360 of 377 results (listed by best match)
