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Logan County DHHR

The Logan County Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) administers many programs that benefit West Virginians.

Services: Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Emergency Shelter, Food Stamps/SNAP, Homeless Family Reunification Services, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Homeless Transportation Programs, Telephone Service Providers, Water Service Providers

1030 Stratton Street, 3rd Floor

Logan, WV 25601

304 - 792-7095

Van Deysen Law Office

Elder Law Attorney that can provide legal advice on: Elder law, Medicaid Planning and Spend down, Medicaid Applications for Nursing Homes, Asset Protection, Deeds, Wills, Trusts and Estate, Special Needs Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Veterans' Benefits for at-home care, Probate, and Guardianship-Conservator.

Services: Certificates/Forms Assistance, Estate Entitlement Assistance, Estate Planning Assistance, Legal Assistance Modalities

123 Canyon Road

Morgantown, WV 26508

304 - 594-1900

Randolph County DHHR

The Randolph County Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) administers many programs that benefit West Virginians.

Services: Clothing, Clothing Donation Programs, Emergency Shelter, Food Stamps/SNAP, Homeless Family Reunification Services, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Homeless Transportation Programs, Telephone Service Providers, Water Service Providers

1027 N Randolph Avenue

Elkins, WV 26241

304 - 637-5560

Law Office of Gerald W. Townsend

Elder law attorney that can provide legal advice on: elder law, Medicaid planning and spend down, Medicaid applications for nursing homes, asset protection, deeds, wills, trusts and estate, special needs trusts, powers of attorney, Veterans' benefits for at-home care, probate, and guardianship - conservator.

Services: Certificates/Forms Assistance, Estate Entitlement Assistance, Estate Planning Assistance, Legal Assistance Modalities

434 Green Street

Parkersburg, WV 26101

304 - 422-5449

Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center

Provides inpatient medicine, outpatient treatments, surgery, dental services, acute psychiatry and transitional care to Veterans.

Services: Legal Assistance Modalities

One Medical Center Drive

Clarksburg, WV 26301

800 - 733-0512

Disability Rights of West Virginia (DRWV)

Disability Rights of West Virginia (DRWV) is a private non-profit agency dedicated to protecting and advocating for the legal rights of West Virginians with disabilities.

Services: Disability Associations, Disability Benefits, Disability Related Libraries, Disability Rights Groups, Group Advocacy, Information and Referral, Legal Assistance Modalities

1207 Quarrier Street, Suite 400

Charleston, WV 25301

800 - 950-5250

Family Refuge Center

The Family Refuge Center is a community-based domestic violence project serving Greenbrier, Pocahontas, and Monroe counties in southeastern West Virginia.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders, Homeless Courts, Homeless Employment Programs, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Safe Parking Programs, Homeless School Transition Programs

117 E. Washington Street

Lewisburg, WV 24901

866 - 645-6334

Seamon Law Offices, PLLC

Elder Law Attorney.

Services: Certificates/Forms Assistance, Estate Entitlement Assistance, Estate Planning Assistance, Legal Assistance Modalities

2101 About Town Place

Morgantown, WV 26508

304 - 554-2900

West Virginia Advocates, Inc.

West Virginia's federally mandated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities.

Services: Group Advocacy, Individual Advocacy

1207 Quarrier Street, Suite 400

Litton Building, Suite 400

Charleston, WV 25301

800 - 950-5250

National Disability Rights Network

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is a nonprofit membership organization foot the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and Client Assistance Programs (CAP).

820 1st Street NE, Suite 740

Washington, DC 20002

202 - 408-9514

Viewing 31-40 of 197 results (listed by best match)
