Housing and Utilities

Viewing 531-540 of 576 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.


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West Virginia Center for Independent Living

A resource center for persons with disabilities.

109 Randolph Avenue

Elkins, WV 26241

866 - 262-2875

Milton Church of Christ

Free clothing.

1702 2nd Street

Milton, WV 25541

Christ Episcopal Church

Will donate up to $25 for assistance on utility bills; food pantry for residents of Bluefield open every third Thursday of the month from 9am-12pm; ID required.

200 Duhring Street

Bluefield, WV 24701

Lakin Hospital Nursing Facility

The Lakin Hospital Nursing Facility is operated by the WV Department of Health and Human Resources, and is certified for Long-Term Care Medicaid reimbursement.

1 Bateman Circle

Lakin, WV 25287

304 - 675-0860

Interstitial Cystitis Support Group

Interstitial cystitis or IC (sometimes referred to as painful bladder syndrome) is a chronic, yet treatable, condition of the bladder that affects both men and women.

900 Virginia Street East

Charleston, WV 25301

304 - 545-2839

Equipped for Life

Provider of home medical equipment and supplies.

525 Dual Highway

800 - 258-5022

Respite Rock Adult Care Program

This program is to relieve the caregiver for six hours so that he/she can get some rest, go shopping, or do whatever they need to do in that time period.

Suncrest United Methodist Church

479 Van Voorhis Road

Morgantown, WV 26505

304 - 599-6306

Southern Highlands Mental Health Center

Provides behavioral health services and the Family Support Program.

Services: Family Support Recruitment/Referral

200 - 12th Street Extension

Princeton, WV 24740

304 - 425-9541

Dental Lifeline Network

Provides access to dental services for people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically at risk.

1800 15th Street, Suite 100

Denver, CO 80202

800 - 985-0034

Maples Assisted Living

Services: Room and board; in-house beauty shop available.

1600 Bland Street

Bluefield, WV 24701

304 - 327-2485

Viewing 531-540 of 576 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
