Housing and Utilities

Viewing 551-560 of 576 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Elkins Rehabilitation and Care Center

Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs and Services; Physical Therapy; Speech Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Pediatric to Geriatric Care; Transitional care from post-acute to outpatient; Specialized Programs; Stroke; Neurological disorders; Hand therapy & splinting; Joint disorder, injury & repair; Cumulative trauma disorders; Work related injuries; Swallowing disorders; Balance disorders; Amputations; Continence management; Prosthetic & orthotic training; Pain syndromes

1175 Beverly Pike

Elkins, WV 26241

Metropolitan Community Development Corporation, Inc.

Metropolitan Community Development Corporation provides non-emergency medical transportation to dialysis, doctor, pharmacy, dentist, clinic, cancer centers, mental health centers, VA hospitals and more.

205 Donnally Street

Charleston, WV 24775

304 - 342-4775

Country Roads Physical Therapy

Country Roads Physical Therapy is more than physical therapy.

IC3 - Internet Crime Complaint Center

The internet crime complaint center (IC3) is an alliance between the White Collar Crime Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Appalachian Center for Vision Rehabilitation - AFB

The WVU Eye Institute provides the full range of eye care under one roof - from routine exams to subspecialty medical and surgical treatment and laser vision correction.

1 Medical Center Drive

Morgantown, WV 26506

304 - 598-4820

Faith in Action of the River Cities

Minor home repairs, such as painting, patchwork, leaf raking, replacing light bulbs (nothing that could put a volunteer in harm’s way or that would require a professional license).


200 19th Street

Huntington, WV 25701

304 - 697-1274

Consumer Credit Counseling Services - Division of Goodwill Industries

Consumer Credit Counseling Service, a division of Goodwill, is a not-for-profit debt counseling agency that offers free and confidential budget, credit, and housing counseling plus debt repayment plans.

1102 W. Memorial Boulevard

Huntington, WV 25701

800 - 534-4387

Licensed Residential Care Community

A Residential Care Community is defined as any group of 17 or more residential apartments, however name, which are part of a larger independent living community, for the express or implied purpose of providing residential accommodation, personal assistance and supervision on a monthly basis to 17 or more persons who are or may be dependent upon the services of other by reason of physical or mental impairment or who may require limited and intermittent nursing care, but who are capable of self preservation and are not bedfast.

Maxine Apartments

Elderly/disabled housing.

1 Adams Street

White Oak, WV 25989

304 - 763-3320

CAT 5 Substance Abuse Services

Detoxification, Halfway house, Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment for Veterans.

510 Butler Avenue

Martinsburg, WV 25401

304 - 263-0811

Viewing 551-560 of 576 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
