Hopewell Place




3372 Teays Valley Road
Hurricane, 25526

Phone Numbers


(304) 757-8475

Business Fax

(304) 757-0583


This program is a state of the art addiction treatment program offering intensive outpatient treatment for substance abuse problems. This Intensive Outpatient Program caters to individuals who want to maintain their housing and employment while benefiting from clinical treatment interventions in the evening. The program typically takes 4-6 weeks and consists of at least 9 hours of treatment each week. Clinical Outlook Focus: Abstinence and Improving Relationships.

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

3372 Teays Valley Road
Hurricane, 25526



Phone Numbers


(304) 757-8475

Business Fax

(304) 757-0583


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Boone (serves entire county)

  • Cabell (serves entire county)

    Kanawha (serves entire county)

    Lincoln (serves entire county)

    Putnam (serves entire county)

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