Hubbard Hospice House
1606 Kanawha Boulevard West
Charleston, 25387-2536
Phone Numbers
(800) 560-8523
The Hubbard Hospice House is a spacious 24-bedroom facility in Charleston, built with all the comforts of home in mind. Large, private rooms surround attractive family sitting areas. Each room has its own bathroom and comfortable seating for patients and families. Family rooms and two fully-equipped kitchens allow families to stay with their loved ones and to feel at home. The Hubbard Hospice House serves hospice patients who: - Require more intensive, skilled medical care than can be provided in their home or place of residence. - Require respite care to give their family a short rest from providing care at home. - Do not have a caregiver in the home or can no longer safely live alone. *See Notes section for locations.
Address Listings
Mailing (Primary)
1606 Kanawha Boulevard West
Charleston, 25387-2536
Phone Numbers
(800) 560-8523
Provider Service Area
Boone (serves entire county)
Braxton (serves entire county)
Clay (serves entire county)
Fayette (serves entire county)
Greenbrier (serves entire county)
Jackson (serves entire county)
Kanawha (serves entire county)
Lincoln (serves entire county)
Mason (serves entire county)
Monroe (serves entire county)
Nicholas (serves entire county)
Pocahontas (serves entire county)
Putnam (serves entire county)
Roane (serves entire county)
Summers (serves entire county)
Webster (serves entire county)
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