American Cancer Society - Huntington Office



1336 Hal Greer Blvd.
Huntington, 25701

Phone Numbers


(304) 523-7989


Offers services for cancer patients, including information and referral; !€œReach to Recovery!€ program for women with breast cancer; !€œMan to Man!€ program for men with prostate cancer; !€œRoad to Recovery,!€ which is a group of trained drivers to help patients get to treatment; !€œI Can Hope,!€ a patient/family educational series; !€œDietitian on call,!€ which provides nutrition information; !€œHope Lodge,!€ which provides lodging for individuals undergoing cancer treatment in the Baltimore area; !€œLook Good. . .Feel Better,!€ a hands-on group workshop for skin care and makeup; wigs; financial assistance; camps; scholarships, and !€œTLC,!€ the mail-order catalog that offers hats, scarves, hairpieces, etc. All services are provided without charge.

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

1336 Hal Greer Blvd.
Huntington, 25701



Phone Numbers


(304) 523-7989


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Cabell (serves entire county)

  • Putnam (serves entire county)

    Wayne (serves entire county)

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