Scott Place Homeless Shelter



215 Scott Place
Fairmont, 26554

Phone Numbers


(304) 366-6543

Business Fax

(304) 363-6103


Homeless shelter with 38 beds serving Marion and surrounding counties. Homeless/Emergency Shelter, Food Pantry, and Emergency Assistance Homeless Recovery Homeless Services and Prevention are provided by Scott Place Homeless Shelter in Fairmont, providing a safe, sanitary, and cost-effective means of sheltering individuals and families who have little or no means of support. Homeless Recovery is a gradual process in which individuals or families who were previously homeless can understand the reasons they became homeless, work toward improving upon the life conditions that led to their homelessness, develop a support system, find employment, find and maintain permanent housing, and see an overall positive change in their lives. Individuals and families at the shelter receive one-on-one case management services beginning with a needs assessment. Social service requirements and related obstacles to housing are processed in a comprehensive effort designed to assist participants in combating their homelessness. Upon admittance, guests are required to create a mutually agreed upon case plan that includes several health, training, education, employment and money management strategies.

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

215 Scott Place
Fairmont, 26554



Phone Numbers


(304) 366-6543

Business Fax

(304) 363-6103

Email Address:


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Marion (serves entire county)

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