Eye Care America




PO Box 429098
San Francisco, 94142-9098

Phone Numbers

Business Fax

(415) 561-8567


(877) 887-6327


EyeCare America provides eye exams and up to one year of care at no-out-of-pocket cost to eligible patients through a corps of 7,000 volunteer ophthalmologists serving their communities across the US. More than 90% of the care provided is at no out-of-pocket-cost to the patients. You can now obtain a referral for your eligible clients directly throughtheir website. In three easy steps (1. Accept the program guidelines, 2. Answer the questionnaire, 3. Write down or print the confirmation number) case workers, clinicians, family members and friends can help those without computers find the medical eye care they need in just minutes.

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

PO Box 429098
San Francisco, 94142-9098


San Francisco

Phone Numbers

Business Fax

(415) 561-8567


(877) 887-6327


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Barbour (serves entire county)

  • Berkeley (serves entire county)

    Boone (serves entire county)

    Braxton (serves entire county)

    Brooke (serves entire county)

    Cabell (serves entire county)

    Calhoun (serves entire county)

    Clay (serves entire county)

    Doddridge (serves entire county)

    Fayette (serves entire county)

    Gilmer (serves entire county)

    Grant (serves entire county)

    Greenbrier (serves entire county)

    Hampshire (serves entire county)

    Hancock (serves entire county)

    Hardy (serves entire county)

    Harrison (serves entire county)

    Jackson (serves entire county)

    Jefferson (serves entire county)

    Kanawha (serves entire county)

    Lewis (serves entire county)

    Lincoln (serves entire county)

    Logan (serves entire county)

    Marion (serves entire county)

    Marshall (serves entire county)

    Mason (serves entire county)

    McDowell (serves entire county)

    Mercer (serves entire county)

    Mineral (serves entire county)

    Mingo (serves entire county)

    Monongalia (serves entire county)

    Monroe (serves entire county)

    Morgan (serves entire county)

    Nicholas (serves entire county)

    Ohio (serves entire county)

    Pendleton (serves entire county)

    Pleasants (serves entire county)

    Pocahontas (serves entire county)

    Preston (serves entire county)

    Putnam (serves entire county)

    Raleigh (serves entire county)

    Randolph (serves entire county)

    Ritchie (serves entire county)

    Roane (serves entire county)

    Summers (serves entire county)

    Taylor (serves entire county)

    Tucker (serves entire county)

    Tyler (serves entire county)

    Upshur (serves entire county)

    Wayne (serves entire county)

    Webster (serves entire county)

    Wetzel (serves entire county)

    Wirt (serves entire county)

    Wood (serves entire county)

    Wyoming (serves entire county)

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