Bluestone Health Center



3997 Beckley Road
Princeton, 24740

Phone Numbers


(304) 431-5499

Business Fax

(304) 431-3400


This clinic is operated by the Bluestone Health Association and takes care of individuals of all ages, from infants to elderly. They provide both preventive and acute health care. Some medical services provided at the clinic are the following: Pediatrics, EPSDT (Well child care on Medicaid), Family Practice and Adult Health Services, Laboratory services, Family Planning, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program, Black Lung Services, Maternity or Pregnancy Care (Including women on Medicaid or no insurance), Disability examinations, home visits (for shut-ins), Hospital care (24 hours for acute or chronic problems), Assistance with medications. Fees are based on income. The clinic has a !€œsliding scale!€ program that reduces cost for low-income families. Some of the services such as family planning and breast and cervical screening program may be given free, depending on your income. Bills Medicaid and Medicare directly and also accepts most third party insurances. Medicare recipients have no deductible to at our Health Center. Under a special agreement between Medicare and the Health Center, Patients are not required to meet the $100 deductible. However, the patient is still responsible for the 20% co-payment.

Address Listings

Business (Primary)

3997 Beckley Road
Princeton, 24740



Phone Numbers


(304) 431-5499

Business Fax

(304) 431-3400


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Mercer (serves entire county)

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