Potomac Highlands Support Services
PO Box 869
Petersburg, 26847
Service provider for the following programs: Senior Community Service Employment Program ! Training/employment program for older workers; Foster Grandparent Program ! Persons age 60 and older who meet income eligibility requirements and who love children, can volunteer at least 15 hours per week. Foster grandparents earn a small, tax-free stipend to cover the cost of serving. They also receive reimbursement for transportation, meals while serving, an annual physical exam, a prescription card, and accident and liability coverage while they serve. (Barbour, Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton, Preston, Randolph, Taylor counties.); Retired Service Volunteer Program ! An opportunity for individuals 55 years of age and older to put their life experiences to work for their communities as volunteers.
Address Listings
Mailing (Primary)
PO Box 869
Petersburg, 26847
Provider Service Area
Barbour (serves entire county)
Berkeley (serves entire county)
Grant (serves entire county)
Hampshire (serves entire county)
Hardy (serves entire county)
Jefferson (serves entire county)
Mineral (serves entire county)
Morgan (serves entire county)
Pendleton (serves entire county)
Randolph (serves entire county)
Taylor (serves entire county)
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