Mental Health Association in the Greater Kanawha Valley, Inc.



One United Way Square
Charleston, 25301-1098

Phone Numbers


(304) 340-3512


The Mental Health Association in the Greater Kanawha Valley, Inc. is a nonprofit community agency which provides: Information and referral services for individuals who want to learn more about mental illnesses and where to get help. Advocacy for individuals experiencing a mental illness when barriers are blocking them from getting services, and class advocacy to improve those services. Community mental health education such as seminars, speakers' bureau, school programs, and literature.

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

One United Way Square
Charleston, 25301-1098



Phone Numbers


(304) 340-3512

Email Address:


Provider Service Area

  • WV

    Boone (serves entire county)

  • Clay (serves entire county)

    Kanawha (serves entire county)

    Putnam (serves entire county)

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