Provide professionally trained dogs to people with physical or developmental disabilities in order to assist them in living a more independent and self-sufficient life. The people they serve may have autism, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis, brain injuries, amputations, paralysis, or many other conditions. Serves the state of Virginia and West Virginia cities within a three-hour radius of Roanoke, VA.
Phone Numbers
(540) 342-3647
Provider Service Area
Greenbrier (serves entire county)
(serves entire state)
Monroe (serves entire county)
Mcdowell (serves entire county)
Summers (serves entire county)
Nicholas (serves entire county)
Logan (serves entire county)
Fayette (serves entire county)
Boone (serves entire county)
Raleigh (serves entire county)
Wyoming (serves entire county)
Lincoln (serves entire county)
Mingo (serves entire county)
Mercer (serves entire county)
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