The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Money Management
Related services
Unsolicited Credit Offer Opt Out Assistance
Personal Finances/Tax Assistance Volunteer Opportunities
Organizational Financial Planning Services
Individual Development Accounts
Financial Privacy Legislation Enforcement
Debt/Overspending Support Groups
Programs that provide assistance for individuals who are having difficulty meeting their financial obligations and, as a result, may be faced with bankruptcy or loss of their home or property.
Programs that provide access to tools which help people make an assessment of their personal financial situation by recording their income and assets, essential living expenses, discretionary expenses, current debts and other figures to calculate their personal net worth; determine their cash flow situation; develop financial goals; and establish a personal financial plan including a household budget that will enable them to manage their money effectively. Personal financial assessments can also be used in the context of financial counseling to evaluate an individual's ability to pay creditors in situations where the person is in financial difficulty or as a step in determining whether bankruptcy is a viable option.
Programs that provide educational workshops, printed materials, Internet website information or other types of resources for individuals, families, business owners and others that deal with the essentials of money management, asset building and financial independence. A wide variety of money management issues may be addressed including banking services, consumer credit lending, debt consolidation/repayment, bankruptcy, small business development, retirement planning, investment management, savings, risk management, tax and estate law and other similar topics.
Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, banks, relatives or other individuals who have been appointed under federal law to act as a surrogate in situations where a cognitive impairment makes it impossible for beneficiaries to manage their own Social Security and SSI/SSD payments. Representative payees are chosen and designated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to act on behalf of financially incapable SS or SSI beneficiaries. The individuals and organizations selected by the SSA may also manage waiver funding, consumer or family support grants or other types of benefits when chosen and designated by the administrating entity to act on behalf of beneficiaries who are incapable of managing their finances.