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Medicare Savings Programs
Taxonomy Code: NL-5000.5000-700
Programs that cover all or a portion of Medicare costs for low income Medicare beneficiaries with limited resources/assets. Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are administered by Medicaid medical assistance offices, pay all or a portion of Medicare premiums and may pay Medicare deductibles and co-insurance. Included are the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program that pays Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-payments for people with combined incomes that do not exceed 100 percent of the federal poverty level; the Specified Low-Income Beneficiary (SLMB) program that pays Medicare Part B premiums for people with combined incomes between 100 and 120 percent of the federal poverty level; the Qualifying Individuals (QI) program that pays Medicare Part B premiums for people with combined incomes 120 and 135 percent of the federal poverty level; and the Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI) program that helps pay the Part A premium for individuals under age 65 who have a disability and are working, have lost their premium-free Part A when they returned to work, are not receiving medical assistance from their state and meet income and resource limits required by their state. The QI program is a limited program (block grant to states), and is available on a first come, first serve basis. Asset/resource limits for these programs are adjusted each year and may vary by state.
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