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West Virginia Center for Excellence in Disabilities
959 Hartman Run Road
Morgantown, 26505
Phone Numbers
(304) 293-4692
(888) 829-9426
The purpose of the Center for Excellence in Disabilities is to enhance the quality of life of individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities, so they and their families can experience independence and inclusion in society through informed choices and self determination. The Center for Excellence in Disabilities operates six Specialty Clinics to serve individuals with developmental and other disabilities. The Specialty Clinics use an interdisciplinary approach to work one on one with individuals, family members and other supports to provide comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services. The Center's Specialty Clinics are: Assistive Technology Clinic, Concussion Clinic, Feeding and Swallowing Clinic, Psych educational Evaluation Clinic and Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic. Assessments and treatment teams are composed of professionals specializing in the fields of occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, behavioral psychology, audiology, neurology, social work, rehabilitation counseling, assistive technology and other disciplines as necessary. Specialty Clinic services are offered in Morgantown and Charleston at the Center for Excellence in Disabilities. Individual clinics are also offered in other parts of the state. Interdisciplinary clinical assessments are conducted and usually include assessments in the home, school and/or worksite for computer access, environmental controls, adaptations to living and work environments, activities of daily living, and recreational activities. There is no charge for individuals for the cost of services. There are clinic fees for agencies and organizations. Any individual, or agency/organization representing an individual, who may need assistive technology devices or services are eligible for clinic services. *See Notes section for locations.
Address Listings
Business (Primary)
959 Hartman Run Road
Morgantown, 26505
Phone Numbers
(304) 293-4692
(888) 829-9426
Email Address:
Provider Service Area
Barbour (serves entire county)
Berkeley (serves entire county)
Boone (serves entire county)
Braxton (serves entire county)
Brooke (serves entire county)
Cabell (serves entire county)
Calhoun (serves entire county)
Clay (serves entire county)
Doddridge (serves entire county)
Fayette (serves entire county)
Gilmer (serves entire county)
Grant (serves entire county)
Greenbrier (serves entire county)
Hampshire (serves entire county)
Hancock (serves entire county)
Hardy (serves entire county)
Harrison (serves entire county)
Jackson (serves entire county)
Jefferson (serves entire county)
Kanawha (serves entire county)
Lewis (serves entire county)
Lincoln (serves entire county)
Logan (serves entire county)
Marion (serves entire county)
Marshall (serves entire county)
Mason (serves entire county)
McDowell (serves entire county)
Mercer (serves entire county)
Mineral (serves entire county)
Mingo (serves entire county)
Monongalia (serves entire county)
Monroe (serves entire county)
Morgan (serves entire county)
Nicholas (serves entire county)
Ohio (serves entire county)
Pendleton (serves entire county)
Pleasants (serves entire county)
Pocahontas (serves entire county)
Preston (serves entire county)
Putnam (serves entire county)
Raleigh (serves entire county)
Randolph (serves entire county)
Ritchie (serves entire county)
Roane (serves entire county)
Summers (serves entire county)
Taylor (serves entire county)
Tucker (serves entire county)
Tyler (serves entire county)
Upshur (serves entire county)
Wayne (serves entire county)
Webster (serves entire county)
Wetzel (serves entire county)
Wirt (serves entire county)
Wood (serves entire county)
Wyoming (serves entire county)