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Take Me Home, West Virginia
Bureau For Medical Services, Attn: MFP
350 Capitol Street, Room 251
Charleston, 25301
Phone Numbers
(855) 519-7557
West Virginia!s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. This program provides additional services and supports to eligible Medicaid members moving from facilities (such as nursing homes and IMDs) back into the community. Participants in the Take Me Home West Virginia program will be eligible to receive the following services and supports: · Transition Navigation: Transition Navigators are located in various areas throughout the state to work one-on-one with Take Me Home participants. They assess a participant!s needs for services and supports, help develop an individualized Transition Plan for that participant, facilitate the delivery of needed services and supports, and support each participant for one year after they transition to their own home and community. · Community Transition Services: These are one-time services that are needed for the initial transition from a facility-based setting into a community based setting. These may include moving expenses, security and utility deposits, essential and basic household furnishings, and home accessibility modifications necessary to improve independence and ensure safety. · Extended Direct Care Services: This provides Take Me Home participants the opportunity to !extend! their use of certain Medicaid Waiver and State Plan services for which they are eligible. This may include, for example, more direct-care service per month than is currently available through the Medicaid home and community-based Waiver programs. · Take Me Home Goods & Services: Goods and Services are equipment, services or supplies not otherwise provided through the Medicaid State Plan that address an identified need in the Take Me Home participant!s Transition Plan. These goods and services can provide a wide range of support, including the purchase of assistive technology, that significantly enhance the opportunity for Take Me Home participants to live independently in the community. · Supported housing: This service is available for Take Me Home participants transitioning from an Institution for Mental Diseases (IMD) with a diagnosis of serious mental illness, or serious mental illness and co-occurring addiction, or serious mental illness and a co-occurring developmental disability. Supported Housing is independent housing in the community coupled with the provision of needed community mental health and support services. To be eligible to participate in Take Me Home, West Virginia, Individuals must: · Have resided for at least 90 consecutive days (excluding Medicare rehabilitation days) in a nursing facility, a hospital, or an IMD, or a combination thereof, and · Receive Medicaid reimbursement for inpatient services the last day of their stay in a qualifying institution before transitioning home, and · Choose to move to a !qualified residence! A !qualified residence! is: !¢ A person!s own home !¢ A person!s family!s home !¢ A person!s own apartment, or !¢ A group home with 4 or fewer people
Address Listings
Business (Primary)
Bureau For Medical Services, Attn: MFP
350 Capitol Street, Room 251
Charleston, 25301
Phone Numbers
(855) 519-7557